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  • September 2024

    par Casey Samson septembre 06, 2024 4 lire la lecture

    While the first official day of fall is immanent, we are already in the “fall spirit” here at Samson Historical.  Many of our favorite family memories involve waking up under canvas on a cool crisp morning with the smell of woodsmoke in the air. We attended the NWTA grand encampment at Fort Meigs last month. They had a wonderful schedule of events for the youngest of reenactors that our family very much enjoyed.

    The month changed over while we participated in the Fair at New Boston in Ohio. The heat did nothing to styme the excited attendees as they bustled through the market. Every month seems to be busy in it’s own way and September is full of events. Now that we are home from New Boston, we will soon head to Mount Vernon once again. After that we welcome friends old and new to our hometown for Colonial Market Days. If you have the opportunity, we urge you to come join us in Lebanon for this family friendly event that is so close to our hearts. We are glad to call the fellow vendors, participants, and entertainers, not only friends, but family.


    Making News

    We have dubbed this the year of the newspaper for our company and it has been strange and wonderful all in one. The most recent visit was from the Indiana Business Journal (IBJ) who visited the shop to talk about what we do and how important history is to our family and the country. The same publication featured an article on Casey’s grandfather, Jack, in 1990. The new article features quotes from even the smallest Samson, Payton, who is on the back of our catalog. You have had ample opportunity to hear why we love what we do, so tell us why you love preserving history.


    Ciders, Toddies, and Teas, Oh My!

     The time for warm spiced beverages is upon us and whether you are partial to apple cider, red wine, or a stiff hot toddy, we have a selection of ready to use spices you can enjoy. Newly added is a hand crafted Toddy iron, used in the period for rapidly heating the brew. Warm your hands on a stoneware mug, your bellies with something delicious, and your hearts with good company with whom you can raise a toast.


    On the Anniversary of Your Birth…

    Samson Historical would not be where we are today without our wonderful, and hardworking staff. Two of those important members share a September birth month with the Marquis De Lafayette, or as his friends call him Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier. 

    Sept. 14th: Isabella is a talented seamstress who has really taken the Turkey Roost line of jackets under her own wing. She creates so many beautiful things to be sent out into the world.

    Sept. 20th: Ruth is our star shipper whose attention to detail and efficiency packs each of your orders carefully and quickly. If you see her at Mount Vernon with us, be sure to wish her a happy birthday!


    From the Vernacular

    As the days get shorter and the time for candlelight draws near, here are a few words from the Samuel Johnson 1768 edition dictionary.

     Chandler [Chandelier, Fr.]

    An artisan whose trade is to make candles.

    Lucubration [lucubrate, Latin]

    Study by candle – light ; nocturnal study; anything composed by night


    This Month in History

    It is impossible to choose just one important thing that happened during the 18th century in September, so this month we have a brief overview of a few of those. This is in no way an exhaustive list so please feel free to send us your own additions.

    September 2, 1752 - The British switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This lead to riots and general upset when Wednesday, September 2nd was immediately followed by Thursday, September 14th.

    September 3, 1783- The Treaty of Paris was signed by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay, bringing the American War of Independence to a close. Henry Laurens and Thomas Jefferson were both supposed to be among the emissaries. However, Laurens was locked in the tower of London after being captured by a British war ship and Jefferson was unable to leave the United States.

    September 13, 1788 – New York City is established as America’s first capital under the new Constitution of the United states. New York had already been serving as an unofficial capital prior to the instatement.

    September 22, 1776 - Patriot Nathan Hale, age 21, uttered his famous his last words, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” after being caught spying on British troops. While the attributed quote is questioned as fact or lore, the truth remains that he was hung without a trial. His sacrifice spurred the formation of the Culper Ring.

    September 25, 1789 - The first U.S. Congress proposed 12 Amendments to the Constitution. 10 of these we now know as the bill of rights, were ratified.

    September 29, 1789 – Congress created the first United States Army. This branch consisted of 1,000 men. This was a hard fought victory of its own for General Washington as it took him many appeals and several months to ensure a standing army was formally established.


    Upcoming Events

    Mount Vernon Colonial Market & Faire, September 14th and 15th

    This wonderful market boasts dozens of period artisans for the start of your holiday shopping. Explore the history of the Washington family through the museum, mansion, and grounds then stop in to the market and find a piece of history to take home with you.

    Sept. 14 — 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Sept. 15 — 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    George Washington’s Mount Vernon
    3200 Mount Vernon Memorial highway
    Mount Vernon, VA 22121 

    Colonial Market Days & Encampment

    Come to our hometown and visit this beautiful market fair. With a focus on art, education, and entertainment, there is something for everyone in the family. Enjoy period music, games, and animals while you shop and learn! Our woods battle is one you wont want to miss.

    Sept. 21 – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Sept. 22 – 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

    Abner Longley Park
    1601 Longley Dr
    Lebanon, IN 46052

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    January 2025
    January 2025

    par Casey Samson janvier 09, 2025 5 lire la lecture 2 Commentaires

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    November 2024
    November 2024

    par Casey Samson novembre 14, 2024 4 lire la lecture 1 Commentaire

    It is well known and established here in the United States, that the National Day of Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month. While Thursday is ideal for creating a long weekend, it does seem a strange day for an annual holiday. It may surprise you that we have George Washington to thank for the tradition, and that he had visions off patriots rather than pilgrims in mind.


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    October 2024
    October 2024

    par Casey Samson octobre 11, 2024 5 lire la lecture 3 Commentaires

    As the fall season wraps up, we find ourselves with mixed emotions. Our event schedule kicked off early this year, starting in July, and while it’s nice to wind down before the colder weather sets in, we do miss those crisp, cool evenings of camping. A heartfelt thank you to our customers for their patience when orders took an extra day or two to ship while we were on the road. 

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